Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hopeful thinking...

With all this rain & snow we've been having it's hard to believe spring is near, or should I say here? We did however, have a beautiful Easter weekend. It was so nice and sunny, I was outside in just jeans and a short sleeve shirt! I had to work most of the weekend, but I was able to soak up some sun with Joe as we sat out on our balcony Saturday. {We really need to get a little BBQ!} Oh how I can't wait for summer! (or spring for that matter)

My flower frog & nozzle collection :)

above: one of my favorites!

1 comment:

Siri said...

Seriously I am with you! Can't it be spring/summer already!!!!???? I promise I won't even complain if it 100 degrees this summer! JUST.COME.ALREADY!