Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Joe and I had the day off together.
This doesn't happen very often.
And when it does, Joe normally has to study.
But not yesterday.
Yesterday we had the whole day to ourselves.
With no plans, but to go to Maple Street Bistro.
My new obsession.
How sweet it was to sleep in together.
Until 9:00am.
We brewed some coffee 
and Joe got some donuts.
Mmmm Blueberry Cake donuts,
how I could eat another!
Enjoyed Maple Street Bistro for lunch.
So close to getting Joe to try cream cheese.
But I fail once again.
S o m e d a y.
We order coffee to go.
To go where, we don't know.
It was a gloomy day.
Full of clouds & rain.
Btw, my Agave Cinnamon Latte = pure yummyness.
We consider going bowling.
But instead we decide to go barn searching.
Yep, barn searching.
It's the simple things that make us happy.
And it was just nice to agree on something.
We get in the car and go.
Go to 9 mile and work our way to Green Bluff.
We drive for hours.
I start to get car sick.
So we stopped and got candy bars.
Coffee, donuts, candy bars...
it's ok I've been running :)
We stop and explore a Barn for sale.
Two different times.
Once on the way out, and once on the way home.
It's our dream house.
We get out of the car and walk the lot.
I need a picture of myself to post of my new bangs.
So Joe takes 300 pictures of me.
I don't like any of them.
I feel like it's senior picture day.
But I have fun.
And Joe makes me laugh.


Anonymous said...

Just D here stalking your blog :) LOVe this post. I love that you and Joe live in the moment and truly appreciate it for what it is. Most couples might take a day off together for granted. I can't wait for your barn house warming! Only you can take a barn and make it a cozy home! YOu need to come over and look through our crap, I mean stuff! I just found a crate of old horse shoes--they have your name on them!

BTW your bangs ARE growing on me. I really like them. Sassy Sally definitely!

Felicia said...

The days off together are the best, I know what you mean and how it doesn't happen often enough. Tell Joe that cream cheese really isn't bad...why won't he try it again? I can't wait to come out and visit, I can try those blueberry cake donuts and agave cinnamon latte! :) By the way the hair is very fashionable. It reminds me of something I would read about being in style now, and it looks good on you!

Kelli said...

You guys crack me up, and Joe...oh my, he always know how to make you LAUGH, and I love it! I also love that you were getting car sick and got candy bars for the fix ;)

I saw D's post, and you should definitely take her up on looking through their stuff, you could turn it into a treasure =) We MISS you!!!

LAURA said...

Good luck getting Joe to try cream cheese if he's anything like Kelli and mayo;) Glad you finally got a day off together, you must get lonely without your love bug.