Monday, November 29, 2010

'Tis the season for... UgLY Christmas Sweaters!

Rachel rocks her sweater ~turtleneck and all!
Starbucks crew at our Holiday Meeting
You know how you walk into some Starbucks and they have every one's picture hanging up with their name and sometimes a question. Well I'm in charge of that at our store. And let me tell you, gathering 14 pictures and 14 answers sounds easy, but it's like pulling teeth. This month we wrote what we're thankful for. Next month, I thought it would be fun for everyone to hold a letter, so that when all the pictures are lined up, it would spell out a message. Hence the "Happy Holidays!" :)

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Tab~the holiday letters/pictures turned out AWESOME. LOVE your Christmas sweater by the way :") I can't wait to see some new pictures from your snow shoe adventures with Joe.